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Matthew Chang

Personality science changed the game for us, what can it do for your career and business?

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Understanding personality science could be the key to unlocking your potential as well as your teammates’

First, I think it would be best to define “personality science” so we are all on the same page. Here at the Idea Space we define personality science as the study of specific personality types and the implications of that in the everyday and work life. There are many sources on the internet that have different material on personality types; we use the Myers Briggs Personality Test which has a link to a free personality test at the bottom of this post. The Myers Briggs related site we recommend has extensive research on each personality type. There are a possibility of 32 personality types, each letter explained in the chart below. Of course, there are degrees of intensity of each of the 32 categories and even though our personalities are very consistent it is possible for us to change over time.

So what does this mean for you, your team, career, or business?

Your own personality

Understanding your own personality will reveal how you deal with problems, associate with people, how you think and process information, and how you refuel your energy for life. The more you understand yourself the better you can put yourself and your team in a position for success. It is important to know what drives you, how you will (or prefer to) respond in certain situations, your preferred communication style, learning style, and what personality types you work best (or worst!) with. The better you understand yourself the better you will be able to build relationships, work with others, and even predict your behavior in a given situation. The link we shared below is quick, works great on smart phones, and very fun and enlightening.

Personalities of others

Whether it’s your team, or random people in a conference room, understanding other people’s personalities can give you an edge in any conversation or situation with others. If you study personality science like I do (as a hobby) then you will be able to quickly discern 2 or even 3 letters of most people's personalities very quickly. This is essential for knowing some basic "dos" and "don'ts". If you understand how they communicate best, having a natural preference for logic or emotion, or if they are extroverted or introverted you can better relate and work with this person. For example, ENTP’s are brilliant problem solvers, will win any debate, but can come off as harsh or terse. ESFJ’s tend to be sensitive, but are extremely loyal and selfless. Every personality is different and so is every person. It is not assumed you will know the personality type of everyone you come into contact with, but if you know your team, spouse, or close friends then you both will be able to benefit from knowing each other on a deeper level. In any relationship with family members, a boss, or a casual buddy it can benefit both parties to have a better understanding of how the other thinks, feels, and processes information.

Next steps

1) Take the personality test below

2) Send to some people close to you who know you well (spouse, parents, colleagues, friends)

3) Start to understand your personality and how it's different than a few of your closest people. I recommend "personality hacker" podcast -

4) Refresh your results annually. Although studies show that our personalities remain very consistent over time, major life changes such as career, children, starting a business or tragedy can have an impact on us.

Free test (we have no affiliation)

Take the free test below, learn about yourself, and comment your results below!

**For business leaders** This is really basic of anyone who leads a team, owns a company, or manages a department. We are not all the same and our teammates are not all the same. Knowing who we are and making sure our team members know who we are is essential. Knowing who are team members are is essential to maximizing their performance and career satisfaction.

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