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I’m a Millennial, What’s Your Problem?

Matthew Chang

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Photo by Conor Cawley from Tech.Co

Everyone who is not a millennial loves to talk about how terrible they are. The generation of “Me,” laziness, entitlement, want everything handed to them… the frustrations don’t end. Guess what else doesn’t end? Technological advancements, wanting everything faster and more efficiently, needing real-time data here and now, or how about the want for toys like fidget spinners and the processes that allow us to manufacture them (DO NOT ask my why Gen Z’ers were so hot on those for a while). So how does such a lazy, entitled generation help to meet the demands of the “here and now” manufacturing industry?

As we’ve said in a previous blog, “The Evolution of Modern Manufacturing,” the manufacturing industry is facing an industrial revolution as great as the first with an even greater ability to change the standard of living for the human race. We now have the ability to start and stop an entire manufacturing line with the push of a button, from anywhere else in the world. Real-time data on operating efficiency or shortage of materials can be communicated to an operator with a tablet in another facility. And in the realm of business, there is every opportunity to connect to one another from all sides of the globe. Last week alone, I attended conference calls on at least six different conference call apps. Last month, I conducted a series of interviews via Facetime (sorry android users) in lieu of having to refund multiple candidates for their flights.

Millennial’s grew up during this country’s greatest recession and with them being the largest generation in the workforce they will be the new leaders of business and will strive to establish what they believe in, even if it is with Facebook open and a selfie stick in hand. They want flexibility, the ability to work remotely, a purpose to chase, and to be judged by the quality of their work not if they sat at a desk from 9-5pm.

The shift to adapt to the needs of a both growing and changing workforce must be done by today’s upper management. The commonly heard adage, “This is how we’ve always done it” won’t suffice any longer. Just ask the likes of Kodak, Nokia or Blockbuster.

Article authored by Kate McAfoose


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